A primary purpose of The Deipara Initiative is to raise funds to support the work of the Little Sisters of Nazareth in Dbayeh Camp. A special concern is the support of the their small medical clinic in the camp, which serves Dbayeh’s over 4,000 residents on a daily basis. The clinic is severely underfunded and resources are limited and sporadic.
The Little Sisters' current budget for health care is about $1 per month for each resident – the need is desperate, which means that every donation, no matter how small, can make a big difference.
In order to keep our overhead costs at a minimum, your gift to the work of the Little Sisters is handled by The Spero Collaborative, of which The Deipara Initiative is part (learn more about their great projects and partners worldwide by visiting their website). No overheads will be deducted from your donation – 100% of what you give goes to the work of the Little Sisters.
Click here to donate, and please mark your payment "Little Sisters of Nazareth."
We have none at this time, but don't let that stop you from contacting us with your own ideas and initiatives. Let us or one of the other organizations and projects within The Spero Collaborative help you turn your hope-building ideas into reality!